Week 01

1. Debian 11 Installation Guide

Before we use Debian 11, we have to install it first. This video will help us go through the installation process.

2. Bash Scripting Tutorial for Beginners

We can learn the basic of bash scripting through this link.

3. Introduction to Linux and Basic Linux Commands

This video will help us undertand basic linux and several basic linux commands.

4. What is Operating Systems?

Through this link, we can learn what is operating systems and how it works.

Week 02

1. Programming Quick Guide

We can learn several things about C though this link, such as facts,why do we use C as a programming language,etc.

2. Difference Between Encryption and Decryption

through this link, we can learn and know more about the differences and the definition of encryption and decryption.

3. C Programming Tutorial for Beginners

through this video, we can learn about C programming in 4 hours, this video summarize almost all the important points of C programming

Week 03

1. File Systems in OS

We can learn some of the basic about file systems in operating system through this link.

2. Mounting and Unmounting

through this link, we can learn and know more about mounting and unmounting. This link gives us insight about what are mounting and unmounting and several syntax that we can use to mount or unmount file in operating system.

Week 04

1. Little Endian and Big Endian

We can learn the differences between little endian and big endian through this link.

2. Differences Between Physical and Logical Adress in Operating System

Through this link we can learn and know more about the differences between logical and physical adress in operating system.

3. Pointers in C

We can learn more about pointers especially in C language such as definition,how to use it, concepts,etc through this link.

Week 05

1. Memory Management and Partition Allocation Methods

We can learn more about memory management and partition allocation methods in operating system through this link.

2. How RAM Affecting Our Computer Performance

through this link, we can learn and know more about how RAM affecting our computer performance.

3. Page Replacement Alogrithms

We can learn and know more about several page replacement alogrithms through this link.

Week 06

1. Fork in C Language

We can learn more about fork in C language through this link.

2. Single Vs Multi threaded Process

through this link, we can learn and know more about the differences between single and multi thread process.

Week 07

1. Process Synchronization in Operating System

through this link we can learn and know more about the concept of process synchronization in operating systems.

2. Introduction to Deadlocks in Operating Systems

we can learn the concept and the introduction about deadlocks such as the definition,etc through this link

3. Visualization of Synchronization and Deadlocks

this link gives us some sort of visualization for us about synchronization and deadlocks.

Week 08

1. Linux From Scratch

through this link we can learn and know more about Linux From Scratch (LFS) and help us with step-by-step instructions for building our own custom Linux system, entirely from source code.

2. Intoduction and Explanation About Linux From Scratch

we can learn the concept and the introduction about linux from scratch(LFS).

3. CPU Scheduling in Operating Systems

We can learn more about CPU scheduling in our operating systems through this link.

Week 09

1. What is RAID in Operating Systems

through this link we can learn about the introduction of RAID(Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks).

2. Type and Levels of RAID

we can learn more about RAID such as the how it works,etc through this link

3. Levels of RAID

this link gives us the information about several levels in RAID, the advatages and also the disadvantages.

Week 10

1. Principle of I/O System in Operating Systems

through this link we can learn and know more about the principle of I/O systems in our operating system.

2. I/O Systems

we can learn the concept and the concept about I/O systems.

3. Input Output in Operating System

We can learn more about input output in our operating systems through this link.